Grants (Dr. Heidi Jacobs)
As Principal Investigator
Competitive funds (active)
- September 2024: Administrative supplement by the NIH/NIA on a funded R01. Bethesda, USA (project title: "The wandering nerve: gateway to boost Alzheimer's disease related cognitive performance", period 2024-2025)
- July 2024: PI on an ISTAART/Alzheimer's Assocaition grant (title: The integrative neuromodulatory subcortical systems meeting", period 2024-2025)
- September 2023: PI with Jorge Sepulcre on a NIH/NIA funded R01, Bethesda, USA (project title:"Locus coeruleus network architecture of Alzheimer's disease vulnerability", period 2023-2028)
- July 2022: PI on a Alzheimer's Association funded AARG, USA ($149,997; project title: "Locus coeruleus, sleep architecture and Alzheimer's disease pathology", period 2022-2025)
- September 2021: PI on a NIH/NIA funded R21 Bethesda, USA (project title: "Elevated locus coeruleus metabolism as mechanism driving Alzheimer's disease pathology", period 2021-2023)
- September 2021: PI on a MPI of a NIH/NIA funded R56, Bethesda, USA (project title: "SARS-CoV-2 and precursors of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia: an ultra-high field (7T) MRI study in a diverse multinational cohort", period 2021-2022)
- May 2021: PI on a NIH/NIA funded R01. Bethesda, USA (project title: "The wandering nerve: gateway to boost Alzheimer's disease related cognitive performance", period 2021-2026)
- April 2019: PI on a NIH/NIA funded R01, Bethesda, USA. (project title:" Tracking the origin of tau pathology, period 2019-2024)
Competitive funds (completed)
- October 2020 (135 000 euros, PIs: Frans Verhey / Gilles Vandewalle / Heidi Jacobs) by the Joint Imaging Valley UM-ULiège, Netherlands-Belgium (project title: Boosting a neuromodulatory system relevant to Alzheimer's disease to enhance memory", period 2020-2024).
- February 2020: PI on a major award (200 000 euros) by Alzheimer Nederland, Elsloo, the Netherlands (project title: Locus of sex differences in Alzheimer's pathology", period 2020-2024).
- September 2017 (319 000 euros, PIs: Frans Verhey / Rainer Goebel / Heidi Jacobs / Benedikt Poser) by Center for Integrative Neuroscience, Maastricht, The Netherlands (project title: "The locus coeruleus hits the bull's eye: stress vulnerability as a predictor for cognitive decline", period 2017-2021)
- March 2016: PI on a Global Fellowship (174 864 euros) from Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions (EU under H2020), Brussels, Belgium (project title: "Connecting neuronal network activity with regional specificity for Alzheimer pathology: a multi-modal neuroimaging approach”; period 2018 - 2020)
- December 2015: PI on a standard grant (100 000 euros) from he Internationale Stichting voor Alzheimer Onderzoek (ISAO), Elsloo, The Netherlands (project title: “How noradrenalin modulates memory and the brain”; period 2016-2018)
- November 2015: PI on a pilot grant (98 748 system billing units super computer computation time) by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Exact Sciences division, Den Hague, The Netherlands (project title: “Multi-Modal MultiFactor Alzheimer’s Disease Etiology (M3FADE)”; period 2015-2016)
- June 2015: PI on a research grant (1 100 euros) from the University Fund Limburg SWOL, Maastricht, The Netherlands (project title: Associations between stress and memory in older individuals: from educational assignment to symposium”; period 2015)
- May 2015: PI on a Brains Unlimited Pioneer Fund (9 075 euros) of the University Fund Limburg SWOL, Maastricht, The Netherlands (project title: “Optimizing neuromelanin imaging at 7T: relevance for cognition and neurodegeneration”; period 2015)
- August 2014: PI on an individual fellowship (65 000 euros) by Alzheimer Nederland, Amersfoort, The Netherlands (project title: “Overactive brain networks as the cause for Alzheimer pathology”; period 2015-2018)
- July 2014: PI on a VENI award (250 000 euros) by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Den Hague, The Netherlands (project title: “Focus on the locus network with 7Tesla MRI: from normal to impaired memory”; period 2015-2017)
- April 2013: PI on an individual research Grant (233 875 euros) by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, Germany (project title: “Exciting networks: multi-modal mapping and modulating network breakdown in early Alzheimer’s disease by tDCS and hybrid MRI-PET”; period 2013-2016) - Transferred to the Netherlands via the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Den Hague, The Netherlands (2015-2018).
- March 2013: PI on a Brains Unlimited Pioneer Fund (8 350 euros) of the University Fund Limburg SWOL, Maastricht, The Netherlands (project title: “Visualizing Alzheimer neuropathology with ultra-high field 7T MRI”; period 2013)
- October 2012: PI on a pilot grant (50 000 euros) of the Internationale Stichting voor Alzheimer Onderzoek (ISAO), Elsloo, The Netherlands (project title: “Hidden, oft forgotten: the cerebellum in dementia” period 2012-2014)
Non-competitive funds (completed)
- November 2015: PI on a stimulation fund (25 289 euro) of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (project title: “Validating neuromelanin imaging across different magnet field strengths: relevance to clinical application”; period 2015-2016)
- October 2015: PI on a stimulation fund (50 820 euro) of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (project title: “The stressed brain: how the locus coeruleus modulates brain networks related to emotional memory”; period 2015-2016)
- June 2015: PI on a stimulation fund (113 441 euro) of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (project title: “Dynamics between pattern separation in the hippocampus and the default mode network in older individuals” a 7T MRI study; period 2015)
- August 2014: PI (together with Prof. Fred van Leeuwen) on a stimulation fund (60 500 euros) of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (project title: “Postmortem visualization of Alzheimer pathology of a PS1 mutation carrier from a Colombian family: 9.4T MRI”; period 2014)
- August 2014: PI on a stimulation fund (22 833 euros) of the Faculty of Health Medicine and Life Science of Maastricht University, The Netherlands (project title: “Mapping structural connectivity between the brainstem and cortex with 7T MRI”; period 2014
- April 2018: Fellowship by the Alzheimer' Association for the Alzheimer Imaging Conference, Chicago, USA
- April 2016: Travel fellowship by the Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Toronto, Canada
- December 2015: Travel award from the Human Amyloid Conference, Miami, USA
- April 2011: Fellowship grant from the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease, Paris, France
- April 2011: Travel grant from the Internationale Stichting voor Alzheimer onderzoek (ISAO), Maastricht, The Netherlands
As Co-(Principal) Investigator, collaborator or mentor
Competitive funds (active)
- September 2024 (subaward PI, Mara Mather, USC, Los Angeles, USA), R01 by the NIH-NIA (title: Effects of resonance-frequency breathing on preclinical Alzheimer's disease biomarkers and cognition", period 2024-2028)
- January 2024 (mentor, Marion Baillet, MGH, Boston, USA) by the Alzheimer's Association (title: "Focus on hypothalamic nuclei in the spatiotemporal evolution of Alzheimer's disease", period 2024-2027)
- January 2024 (mentor, Maxime van Egroo, Maastricht University, the Netherlands) by the Marie Curie Sklodowska Actions (HORIZON) (title: "Focusing on deep sleep-wake brain regions in the context of Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis: a multi-modal, high-resolution neuroimaging approach", period 2024-2027)
- September 2023 (Co-I, Joost Riphagen, MGH, Boston, USA), R21 by NIH-NIA (title: "Inference by interference: task-dependent pupil responses as an early detection method for Alzheimer's disease-related brainstem functional change", period 2023-2025)
- July 2023 (Co-I, Prokopis Prokopiou, MGH, Boston, USA), R21 Trailblazer by NIH-NIA (title:" Contribution of locus coeruleus activity patterns on tau deposition in Alzheimer's disease", period 2023-2026)
- July 2023 (Co-mentor, Joost Riphagen, MGH, Boston, USA) by BrightFocus (project title: "Meynert to mayhem? The temporal-spatial evolution of early tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease; period 2023-2025)
- May 2023 (Mentor: Elouise Koops, MGH, Boston, USA) by the Alzheimer's Association (project title:"Phenotyping of Alzheimer's disease based on the selective vulnerability of the locus coeruleus", period 2023-2026)
- July 2022 (Co-I, Anne Berry, Brandeis University, Boston, USA) by NIH-NIA (project title: "Upregulated norepinephrine synthesis capacity in aging", period 2022-2027)
- July 2021 (Co-I, Joyita Dutta, UMass, Boston, USA) by NIH-NIA (project title: "Longitudinal predictive modelling for tau in Alzheimer's disease", period 2021-2026)
- July 2021 (mentor, US$ 200,000, PI: Maxime Van Egroo) by Brightfocus (project title: "The brainstem locus coeruleus: potential bridge between sleep-wake disruption and Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis", period 2021-2023)
- April 2021 (co-project leader, PI: Keith Johnson, MGH, Boston, USA) by NIH-NIA (project title:"Impact of amyloid on the aging brain, the Harvard Aging Brain Study - project 1" , period 2021-2025)
- January 2020 (Co-I, PI: Gad Marshall, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, USA) by NIH-NIA (project title: "Neural correlates of apathy across the Alzheimer's disease continuum", period 2020-2025).
- July 2019 (Co-I, PI: Patrizia Vannini, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, USA) by NIH-NIA (project title: Decoding neural systems underlying anosognosia for memory loss in aging and Alzheimer's disease', period 2019-2024)
Competitive funds (completed)
- December 2018 (Collaborator, 1.900.000 DKK, PI Stefan Sommer, University of Copenhagen, Denmark) by Novo Nordisk Foundation, Hellerup, Denmark,(project title:"Probabilistic shape statistics for modeling Alzheimer's disease")
- November 2018 (mentor, 50 000 euros, PI Whitney Freeze) by Alzheimer Nederland, Amersfoort, The Netherlands project title:"Focus on locus coeruleus as biomarker: ex-vivo correlates of 9.4T MRI contrast" period 2019-2020)
- July 2015: Fellowship (collaborator, 200 000 euros; PI: Dr. Stephanie Vos) by ZonMw, Memorabel program, part of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Den Hague, The Netherlands (project title: “Pathophysiology of SNAP in subjects with mild cognitive impairment”: period 2015-2017
- June 2014: Research talent grant (co-mentor, 171 362 euros; PI: Dr. Pascal van Gerven) by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Den Hague, The Netherlands (project title: “Successful aging in the information society: sensory modality as a key to understanding and improving selective attention in aging and dementia”: period 2014-2018)
- July 2013: Co-PI on a research talent grant (171 363 euros; PI: Prof. Dr. Alexander T Sack) by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Den Hague, The Netherlands (project title: “Modulating anticorrelated networks in early Alzheimer’s disease – a simultaneous TMS-fMRI approach”: period 2013-2017)