News of 2014
- December 29th, 2014: Heidi’s work on aging-related differences regarding the interaction between resting-state networks during memory consolidation has been accepted for publication in Frontiers for Aging Neuroscience.
- December 2nd, 2014: Heidi will present her work on the cerebellum and brainstem in Alzheimer’s disease (“Beyond medial temporal lobe dysfunction”) at the Symposium for fundamental neuroscience at Maastricht, The Netherlands. Other guest speakers are: Prof.Dr. Fred van Leeuwen, Prof.Dr. Philip Scheltens and Prof.Dr. Dick Swaab.
- November 24th, 2014: Heidi will give a talk for the University Fund Limburg on visualizing Alzheimer pathology with high-field imaging at Maastricht University, the Netherlands
- November 7th, 2014: Heidi’s work on functional connectivity involving the locus coeruleus in early Alzheimer’s disease has been accepted for publication in Neurobiology of Aging. This work is in collaboration with Prof. Paul M Matthews from Imperial College London.
- September 10th, 2014: Heidi will present her work on functional connectivity in brainstem areas in early Alzheimer’s disease at the Resting-state and brain connectivity conference at MIT (Kresge auditorium), Boston, USA on September 13th, 2014! Come and talk to me! Poster C68!
- August 25th, 2014: Heidi is awarded with the Alzheimer Nederland Fellowship:
- August 20th, 2014: Heidi received two stimulation funds from the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences for 7T and 9.4T MRI-scanning
- August 8th, 2014: I am looking for a PhD-student in Jülich to work on multi-modal mapping and modulating of networks in aging and dementia, a project funded by the DFG (see:
- July, 29th, 2014: Heidi has been awarded with the prestigious VENI award by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research:
- July 7th, 2014: Heidi will present her work on locus coeruleus functional connectivity in early Alzheimer’s disease at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark on July 12 and 14th.
- July 1st, 2014: Heidi will give a talk on effective/functional and structural connectivity of the parietal lobe in early Alzheimer’s disease during the tutorial sessions of the INM-retreat at the Research Centre Jülich
- June 23rd, 2014: a NWO research talent application has been awarded to the PhD-project of Franziska Dieckmann. This project will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Caroline van Heugten, Dr. Pascal van Gerven and Dr. Heidi Jacobs.
- June 10th, 2014: I will be presenting my work on the interaction between resting-state networks during consolidation in older persons at the Organization for Human brain Mapping conference in Hamburg (Germany). Come and visit me on Thursday between 12:45 and 14:45h (poster number 4349).
- April 24th, 2014: Graphical work (courtesy of Dr. Nina Bien) from the review with Helen Lückmann is highlighted on the cover of the current volume of Progress in Neurobiology:
- March 14th, 2014: the latest work with Dr. Emiliano Bruner, published in the Journal of Anatomy, is highlighted on the front cover of the April volume:
- February 4th, 2014: A review by Ms. Helen Lückmann, Dr. Heidi Jacobs and Prof. Alexander Sack on the cross-functional role of the frontoparietal regions in cognition has been accepted for publication in Progress in Neurobiology.
- January 9th, 2014: Together with Dr. Emiliano Bruner, work on midsagittal brain variation, in particular the precuneus, in adults, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Anatomy