News of 2018
- December 19th, 2018: Together with Federico d'Oleire Uquillas and Nancy Donovan, we associated loneliness in clinically normal older adults to regional tau pathology. This beautiful work is now online at Translational Psychiatry.
- November 2nd, 2018: An interview with Heidi on the locus coeruleus and our future work on this topic was published in the Dutch Dagblad de Limburger. For more information: here is the complete interview.
- October 19th, 2018: Lisa Müller-Ehrenberg published her first manuscript in the Journal Of Alzheimer's disease focusing on the relationship between specific hippocampal subfield volumes and continuous CSF amyloid-beta values, with potential implications for using cut-off values.
- August 28th, 2018: Roy van Hooren published his first work in Alzheimer Research & Therapy. He is looking the interactive effects of amyloid burden and inter-network connectivity on memory decline. His works shows that inter-network connectivity can contribute to the efficiency of clinical trials. Congrats Roy!!
- July 21st, 2018: Heidi will give a talk at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2018 at the Alzheimer Imaging Consortium on Saturday July 21st (Tau Session). She will present data on asymmetries in amyloid and tau. There will also be orals on collaborative work with Rachel Buckley, Patrizia Vannini, Bernard Hanseeuw. Posters will be presented by Heidi, Joost, Whitney, Fred, Justin throughout the week. Charles de Carli and Keith Johnson are also presenting posers involving Heidi.
- June 18th, 2018: Whitney Freeze successfully defended her dissertation: "Microvascular contributions to dementia: exploring the role of blood-brain barrier leakage in cerebral small vessel disease and Alzheimer's disease". Congratulations Dr. Freeze!!
- June 20th, 2018: Heidi will give a talk at the 11th Joint Meeting of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology and the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland in Maastricht, the Netherlands. She will talk during the session "From cradle to grave". The title of her talk is:"Alzheimer's disease: Imaging Neuropathology in vivo"
- June 13th, 2018: Heidi will give a talk at the Neuroscience Research Seminars a the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany. She will talk about "Tau propagation in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: cortical and brainstem perspectives".
- May 1st 2018: Joost's work examining differences diffusivity of white matter signal abnormalities when defined on T1 or on FLAIR in older individuals ranging from cognitively normal to dementia is now published in
Neurobiology of Aging. Congrats Joost! - April 3rd, 2018: Chris Lee and I have been working on understanding choroid plexus tau signal, in particular its relationship to race as a potential indicator of off-target binding to melanocytes and its impact on hippocampal tau signal measurements. See the manuscript in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease for more information. Congrats Chris!!
The full article can be found here: DagbladDeLimburger - February 5th, 2018: Heidi's work suggesting that amyloid deposition facilitates tau spreading along connected pathways and cognitive decline, has been published in Nature Neuroscience. This work was part of the Harvard Aging Brain Study, led by Dr. Keith Johnson and Dr. Reisa Sperling. Heidi was supported by a grant from Alzheimer Nederland.
See also the discussion on Alzforum and on Brainpost. - January 30th, 2018: On February 1-2, 2018, Heidi, Nikos and Dimo Ivanov will present work on our locus coeruleus sequence, fMRI task and phantom imaging project at the first Locus Coeruleus Meeting in Magdeburg (Germany). This is the first meeting bringing together all researchers across the world who are trying to image the locus coeruleus.